Pauline Ballentine
Photo description: Pending
Pauline Ballentine, M.A., CDI, is the Programs Manager of the Department of ASL & Interpreting Studies at the University of Northern Colorado and is currently part-time freelancing as a Deaf interpreter in Colorado. She has been educating interpreters and ASL students for 20+ years. Pauline is active with committees and organizations at local and regional levels and presented workshops to Interpreters, K-12 teachers, and parents of Deaf children on various topics related to language, literacy with Deaf children, and interpreting. Pauline has been involved with the Integrated Model of Interpreting since 2012, she is very involved in the dedicated practice of the model.
In her spare time, Pauline enjoys being the wife to her Deaf husband and mother of three Deaf children, studying for her doctorate degree, hiking in the mountains, reading, and taking care of chickens.