Andrew Veith
Photo Description: A white male, bald head with a salt/pepper beard smiling in front of a blurry woods background with an exposed collar of plaid pink/blue/white button shirt under a dark blue v-neck vest under of blue blazer
Andrew Veith, (he/his/him), ASL and Deaf Mentor/Tutor, Coordinator, Consultant, Deaf Interpreter, and Support Staff
Andrew Veith was born deaf and a native signer. He obtained his studies from Delgado Community College with a Certification of Technical Studies (CTS) focusing on ASL Studies and (Associate of Arts) AA in Interpreting, then completed his Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Deaf Studies at Gallaudet University, Currently in Masters in Public Administration (MPA) focus on Disability and Health Policy at Suffolk University. He has been in the management level of employment since 2006 in different areas as an account manager, clinical program manager, director, owner, and operations manager. He holds Massachusetts State Screening (MCDHH) Approved Deaf Interpreter. He is currently consulting, teaching, and mentoring ASL users and Interpreters, active Deaf Interpreter, and has contractor as a Coordinator, Logistics, and Support Services for over 20 years.
He is very involved with the Deaf Community and Organizations including the National Association of the Deaf, several State Associations of the Deaf, and several State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. He serves as a Board member for several state organizations and serves on committees as representatives on different kinds of committees or advisory boards at the local and state level entities and nonprofit organizations.
He holds SLPI: ASL Rating – Superior Plus/Superior (July 7, 2009), ASLPI 4 (December 5, 2018) and obtained an award from MSAD in 2015, The Laurent Clerc Service Award in appreciation of my long-term commitment, and involvement, and many contributions to Deaf Community.